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Writer's picture: Sean CameronSean Cameron

A police woman would be his perfect wife. She’d be athletic, she’d have a regular income, her night shifts would give him time to himself.

Timothy could see no reason to not quicken the proceedings and meet his soulmate as soon as possible.

He entered the park, disrobed and waited. He smiled as the faint blue lights drew closer.

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Writer's picture: Sean CameronSean Cameron

Examining the Egyptian market stall she picked up a scarab beetle ornament and crinkled her nose.

“It good luck” said the salesman. “It’s not the like The Mummy.”

As her silent husband shrugged his shoulders in indifference she opened her purse.

“I don’t like that film” he said now crinkling his nose. “Many inaccuracies.”

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Writer's picture: Sean CameronSean Cameron

Dear Neighbour,

The excessive banging from your flat has not gone unnoticed. I am not one to complain, in fact the sounds have kept me company for many years. I only write because the boy at No 4 suggested you’d been building a boat. I’d very much like to join you before the flood reaches our floor.

Yours sincerely


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