I’m making a promise to myself, an invocation. I want to achieve some goals between now and March 31st. When I feel down, or when I just need a kick up an arse, I will watch the embedded Ze Frank video. It works every time.
So here it goes. By March 31st at 7pm I will have achieved the following:
– I will have finished a second draft of my comedy mystery novella. It will be at least 20,000 words long.
I will have sent the 2nd draft to 3 beta readers for notes.
– I will have finished a first draft of the sequel novella. It will also be at least 20,000 words long.
– I will post 7 blog of at least 50 words each (after this one). Ideally one a week.
– I will be able to touch my toes with my hands without bending my knees.